Our Mission

             To Found An Imperial Of Earth (IOE) with One God Luo, One Language, One Culture, One History, One Law, One Standard, One Currency, One Postal, ... ... on One Land of Earth of Solo Solar System.

Who Are The Owners?

             When the God created the Universe, her children have lived on the planets and stars like Earth all over the Universe. God Luo founded the Language with all other objects. All the Life include human being have carried God Luo's soul and her invention from one generation to another generation until today.

            Apollo Publication Corporation is owned by God Luo's Children with their family name of Luo(駱), Marks(Marx)(馬各駱Luo), Victor(雒Luo), Carlo(各(雒)Luo), Louis(雒隹(伊)), EL((伊)隹雒), Ross(雒氏), Roman(駱馬), German(各馬(駱)) and their kins with their family name of Bu(sh)lo(部落/布施洛), Zhanglo(張駱(鑼)), Hulo(胡駱(蘿)), Holo(候駱(洛)), Zhulo(朱駱(羅)), Yanglo(楊駱(洛陽)), ZhouLo(周駱), Castlo(各氏特洛), Zedilo(各狄洛), Alexandlo(阿雒山大洛), Paulo(保雒), Tedero(泰得洛), Tylo/Tele(泰洛), Tanglo/Tomlo(湯洛), Ba(ker)lo(貝洛), Qianlo(錢駱(籮)), Marlo(馬駱), Milo(宓洛), Philo(裴洛), Dulo(Zous)(杜洛(周)), Nilo(倪洛), Tianlo(田駱) and Babylon with family name of  Lu(路/魯/陸), Lott(儸得/路得), Gore(高爾), Gao(高), Yao(堯/姚), Huang(黃), Yu(虞/禹), Jiang(/), etc.

Why Do We Create APCorps?

Philosophy of APCorps

 QUEST: Quality, Unique, Efficiency, Simplicity and Time

Profile of APCorps


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Business Contact Center

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          Comment: Comment@APCorps.com